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The one of a kind paintings were done on the surface of ¼ inch tempered board which is extremely durable and non-porous. The raw pigments David used to make the medium are the same as those used to make conventional oil paint, and have the same color-fast qualities. The difference is in the binders and solvents he used. At no time were non-compatible chemical reactions used to achieve special effects. This was to assure the permanence and longevity of the paintings. Clear topcoats that can yellow and discolor over time were never used. Gloss enhancer was used within the pigments to achieve the desired intensity.  The complex layering process yields a unique depth of color that transforms into three dimensional effects that are exceptionally impacted by changes in lighting.

This medium was predominantly a nitrocellulose lacquer base which was inherently volatile and very flammable. The studio was in an industrial area and was ventilated in much the same way as an automobile spray booth would be. Protection needed to be worn at all times and an elaborate respiration system was a necessity.